Consider a bit streaming scenario for a video where the following values apply: – The buffer size is 1 MiB – The low watermark is set at 100KiB – The high watermark is set at 900KiB – The incoming data rate is 1Mbps – The video display rate is 300 Kbps
Assume that the video is playing and that the buffer content has dropped to the low-water mark. The media player sets the controls for data input to begin again
Data which to be streamed:
(high watermark)-(low watermark)"=900-100=800\\ kb"
Let "x" be the time after the streaming begins. Then:
(buffer size)"x-"(video display rate)"x=" (Data which to be streamed)
"x=8\/7\\ s"
So, it will take "8\/7" second to fill up to the high water mark.
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