Suppose you are given a sequence of numbers as follows I, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144. .Now. you want to find the n number of the sequence i.e.. if you input n-7, program will give you output 13, for n=10, output=55. You MUST use dynamic programming technique to solve this problem and implement your solution in C language. What is the running time of your algorithm (write it in your text file).
Suppose you are given 1000 unordered integer numbers ranging from 10-100. Now you have to sort these numbers decreasing order. Implement a suitable sorting algorithm which would take lesser time in C language. Your program would take these 1000 numbers from the user and gives output of these 1000 numbers but in sorted order. Write a short note on why you have chosen your algorithm to solve this problem.
by CodeChum Admin
In order to make sure that the future generations will grow into great beings, we must make sure that the gene pool consists of the best genes. In order to do that, we must compare genes from each other and find out which one is the best!
1. First integer
2. Second integer
3. Third integer
4. Fourth integer
by CodeChum Admin
The only constant thing in the world is change. That’s why we need to call the toupper() function to change what we already have into a better version.
1. Letter to be updated
A data compression software utilizes various steps to compress a string of data. One of the steps involves finding the count of characters that are not repeated on the string
how to calculate total income a an employee
A company Digicomparts manufactures 52 types of unique products for laptop and desktop computers. It manufactures 10 types of laptop products and 42 types of desktop products.
Each product manufactured by the company has a unique productID from a-z and A-Z. The laptop products have productiDs (a, i, e. o, u, AI, E, D, U) while the rest of the productIDs are assigned to the desktop products. The company manager wishes to find the sales data for the desktop products
Given a list of producties of the sales of the last N products, write an algorithm to help the manager find the productIDs of the desktop products.
The first line of the input consists of an integer nurOfProducts representing the number of products to be considered in the sales data
The second line consists of N space-separated characters productio, producti product representing the product is of
the sales of the last to products.
Write and explain a program using pointer to strings that accepts the name of an animal and a bird and returns the names in plural
3. A linked list is a sequence of data structures, which are connected via links. Write a complete C program to perform the following on a Circular Doubly Linked List (CDLL).
a. Get a number n (1-9) from user and create CDLL with n nodes, which contains the numbers (1, 2, .. n) as the data in the nodes.
b. Display the elements of CDLL.
c. Insert another node (data = 0) as the head of CDLL. Display the elements of CDLL.
d. Convert the CDLL into a DLL.
e. Remove the second node (head->next) from the DLL.
f. Display the elements of DLL in reverse order.