3. Write a C program to input a number from user and print multiplication table of the given number using for loop.
2. Write a C program to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two integer numbers, respectively 2 and 6 and show the result on the screen.
1. Write a C program to print your name, date of birth, mobile numbers and university's name on separate line.
Code a C program to read five integer values from data.txt to console; calculate and display the sum and average thereof. Use the following data to create your text file: 6,45,12,67,9.
Create a C program and a flowchart that will generate a table of chosen mathematical operations. The user has to be prompted first for the math operation and then enter a value that will be used to add, subtract, multiply or divide from 1 to 10 to complete the table. A sample run is provided below to illustrate the output.
M A T H O P E R A T I O N S:
[M] – Multiplication
[D] – Division
[A] – Addition
[S] - Subtraction
Enter your choice: M
Enter your desired value to be multiplied: 7
Continue [Y/N]? Y
M A T H O P E R A T I O N S:
[M] – Multiplication
[D] – Division
[A] – Addition
[S] - Subtraction
Enter your choice: A
Enter your desired value to be added:4
Continue [Y/N]? N
Thank you for choosing my program
John is going through his family photo album. There is a total of people in the family labeled from 0 to N-1.
Find out the number of members of his family who have more than equal to X children.
Input Specification:
input1: N. denoting the total number of family members.
input2: X denoting the minimum number of children a family member should have in order to be included in John's final set.
input3: An array of N elements where the ith element denotes the parent of the ith index. If the value of the element is -1, then that family member has no parent.
Output Specification:
Your function should return the number of John's family members that have more than or equal to X childrens.
Example 1:
Input1: 1
Explanation :Family member 0 has 0 children. As we have to return the family membersthat have more than or equal to 0 children.hence the answer is 1.
Write a program in C to perform a function Create_AdjList() for representing a
graph in computer memory using Adjacency list representation.
Alice is playing with bubbles. She is standing at the point of (0,0) and has created N bubbles.
Each bubble can be characterized by three parameters :
V : denoting the size of the bubble
X : denoting the x coordinate of the bubble
Y : denoting the y coordinate of the bubble
The following process will take place as long as there are two or more bubbles left :
Alice will choose the bubble closest to her (in case there are multiple options for a bubble she will choose the largest one among them). Note: Here the distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2,y2) is equal to
(Whole Root) (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2
Let the two bubbles chosen have parameters as [v1, x1, y1 ] (first bubble) and [v2,x2,y2] (second bubble) respectively.
She will merge the two bubbles chosen and a new bubble with parameters [ v1 + v2, x1-x2, y1-y2] will be formed.
Task :
Determine the coordinates of the last bubble left after the process ends.
Write a C program using 2D array which stores the marks of five students in five courses. Write a program to (i) Display the highest marks in each courses .(ii) To display the total marks of all 5 courses