Write a function named shopping() that enables Monica and Pheebe to shop. This function needs to ask to enter which
one is shopping, in which store, which products and how many of the product is purchased. The products that they can
purchase can be seen in following table:
Product 1: G Store=10 $ W Store=15 $
Product 2: G Store =12.5 $ W Store=17 $
Assume that they can only shop from Store G or Store W
At the beginning Monica got 100 TL and Pheebe got 120 TL
After each purchase, print the remaining money
If any of them do not have enough money to buy, print a warning message
They will continue shopping unless any of them spend all the money
Sample Run:
Which one is shopping :M
Which store : W
Which product,how monay : 1 4
Remaning money for monica : 40.00
Which one is shopping :M
Which store : G
Which product,how monay : 1 5
Not enough money!
Remaning money for Pheebe : 40.00
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