Write a C program that reads 10 integers (between 0-1000) into a one-dimensional array
and computes and finds the value that has the largest chain. You should compute the
largest chain as explained below.
For each value (n) in your array, your chain will be determined as follows;
If n is even -> n=n/2
If n is odd -> n=3n+1
For example , if 12 is your starting number , the chain will be ,
6 -> 3 -> 10 -> 5 ->16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
12 is even so 12/2 will be 6.
6 is even 6/3 will be 3.
3 is odd 3*3+1 will be 10.
The chain will grow until the value is 1.
Write a function called findLargestChain() that accepts an integer, finds and prints the
chain elements to the screen , and returns the number of elements.
You should store the number of elements into another array.
In the main program, you should read 10 integers into an array , call the function for each
integer and store the number of elements into another array.
Expert's answer
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
int findLargestChain(int n) { printf("Chain for %d\n",n); int ans=1; while(n>1) { if(n&1) { n=3*n+1; } else { n/=2; } ++ans; printf("%d",n); if(n!=1) { printf("->"); } }
return ans; }
int main() { int *arr=malloc(sizeof(int)*10); int *resArr=malloc(sizeof(int)*10);
int i; int maxChainElement=0; int chainLength=0; for(i=0;i<10;++i) { arr[i]=rand()%1000; resArr[i]=findLargestChain(arr[i]); if(resArr[i]>chainLength) { chainLength=resArr[i]; maxChainElement=arr[i]; } }
printf("Element that has the largest chain with length %d is %d\n",chainLength,maxChainElement);
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