In a class room everyone is very friendly and has bonded with others in a short span of time. During the exams, students will sit along with their friends and will write the exams, which actually resulted in the finding that only a few members in the batch are good at studies and others are not. After getting several complaints from the staff members, the Principal has agreed to change the sitting pattern during the exams for which she has formed a committee. Using a spy, committee was able to get a list of close friends for all the students in the class. Now using this list they want to identify two groups of people such that a person in one group must not be a friend to any other in the same group. Your task is to help the committee.
Expert's answer
#include <stdio.h>
/* *If we imagine that students are vertexes of graph and their friendships are edges, *we can solve this task checking is this graph bipartite or not * *We can colve it using depth-first search */
int g[100][100]; //graph adjacency matrix int used[100]; int is_ok = 1; //value for checking graph, 'is_ok' = 1 - it is a bipartite graph, otherwise - not bipartite int n; // number of students
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (g[v][i] == 1) { //if there is an edge
if (used[i] == used[v]) //this graph is not bipartite is_ok = 0; if (!used[i]) dfs (i, used[v]); } }
int main () { int i, j; //iterators
printf ("Enter number of students: "); scanf ("%d" ,&n); //reading number of students
printf ("Enter matrix of student friendship (1 - friendship exist, 0 - not exist)\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { //reading all friendships for (j = 0; j < n; j++) scanf ("%d", &g[i][j]); used[i] = 0; }
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) //checking graph if (!used[i]) { dfs (i, 1);
if (!is_ok) { printf ("Can not identify two groups of people such that a person in one group must not be a friend to any other in the same group\n"); return 0; } }
printf ("Lists\n"); //printing listss
//printing first list printf ("1: "); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (used[i] == 1) printf ("%d ", i + 1); printf ("\n");
//printing second list printf ("2: "); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (used[i] == 2) printf ("%d ", i + 1); printf ("\n");
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