1. Write a complete C program that allows the user to do the following (in sequence)
Provide algortihm for this question.
i. Step 1 : Choose type one of the following Option :
a. Option 1 : Sorting The Number in Ascending Order
b. Option 2 : Sorting The Number in Descending Order
c. Option 3 : Find Biggest No
d. Option 4 : Find Smallest No
e. Option 5 : Calculate The Average of All Number
f. Option 6 : Calculate The Median Number
g. Option 7 : Exit System
ii. Step 2 : If user choose Option 1 – 7, ask the user how many numbers they would like to enter
iii. Step 3 : Ask the user to enter all the numbers
iv. Step 4 : Execute the operation on all the numbers based on the user’s option then display the output
v. Step 5 : Ask the user if he wish to try again.
a. If yes, repeat Step 1
b. If no, end the system
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