Perera & Sons maintain their Employee Records (Maximum 10) in the following manner. Write Program for the following.
Option One
This option should allow you to enter the employee’s details. You have to enter the EmpNo, EmpName, Age and Salary. (Maximum of 10 records, but need not to be 10)
Option Two
This option must display All the employee’s details, in the following format.
Employee No. Name Age Salary
1000 Sam 26 5000
1001 Peter 27 4500
1002 Tony 25 6000
--- --- -- ---
--- --- -- ---
Option Three
This must allow you to enter the Over time rate and Over time hours for the Employee No.’s you have entered already. Over time rate must be a unique value for all employees. It has to calculate the Over time Amount and display that also.
(Over time Amount = Over time rate X Over time Hours)
Option Four
This option has to display the Employee’s Gross Wage and Bonus details in the following format.
(Gross Wage=Salary + Over time Amount)
Gross Wage Bonus
<3000 No Bonus
3000 – 4499 10% of the GW
4500 – 5999 15% of the GW
>=6000 25% of the GW
Employee No. Name Gross Wage Bonus
1000 Sam Value Value
1001 Peter Value Value
1002 Tony Value Value
1003 John Value Value
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- ---
Write the program with proper functions/procedures.
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