Using loops and condition statements together, Write a program that calculate the cost of energy for energy units restricted between 0 to 500 kWh for an amount less than $6 000.00 for any Zimbabwean resident customer and any amount and unlimited number of units for a foreign resident customer buying from outside Zimbabwe at a rate of $90.00 to one USD. The tariffs are as follows:
• 0 to 50 kWh cost $2.25
• Above 50 kWh to 100 kWh cost $4.51 / kWh
• Above 100kWh to 200 kWh cost $7.89 / kWh
• Above 200kWh to 300 kWh cost $11.25 / kWh
• Above 300kWh to 400 kWh cost $12.94 / kWh
• Above 400 kWh cost $13.50 / kWh
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n;
printf("Enter the energy in watts: ");
if(n>=0&& n<=50){
double price=n*2.25;
printf("Total price is: %.2f",price);
else if(n>50&& n<=100){
double price=n*4.51;
printf("Total price is: %.2f",price);
else if(n>100&& n<=200){
double price=n*7.89;
printf("Total price is: %.2f",price);
else if(n>200&& n<=300){
double price=n*11.25;
printf("Total price is: %f",price);
else if(n>300&& n<=400){
double price=n*12.94;
printf("Total price is: %.2f",price);
else if(n>400){
double price=n*13.50;
printf("Total price is:%.2f",price);
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