What is the process to create increment and decrement statement in C? Describe the difference between = and == symbols in C programming? Describe the header file and its usage in C programming?
The increment and decrement operators in C are denoted by two symbols '+' for increment and '-' for decrement respectively.
These operators as all operators in C return a value and have two forms: prefix and postfix. These forms differ in the value the operator returns. The postfix operator (a++ for example) returns the original value of its operand and then changes its operand by 1 (increment in the example). The prefix operator (b++ for example) first changes its operand value and then returns this new value.
The '=' symbol denotes an assignment of a value to a variable in C. For example, after execution of the statement a = 2*2; the value of variable a will be equal to 4.
The double equal symbols '==' denote the comparison of two values. So the value of expression a == 2*2 will be 1 (which means 'true') if the value of the variable is equal to 4 and 0 (which means 'false') in other cases.
The header files in C contain declarations of predefined library functions, as far as type definitions and constant declaration which are needed to use these functions. For example, the header file <stdio.h> should be included in the program if it used any standard input/output function such as printf, scanf, etc.
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