Create a structure to specify data on students given below: Roll number, Name, Department, Course, Year of joining Write an array of 10 students in the collage. Write two functions; one for input, second for output and determine following in main() (a) write a program to print names of all students who joined in a particular year. (b) Write a program to print the data of a student whose roll number is given assignment
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS //runtime complie
#define SIZE 3 //size of array
#include <stdio.h>//standart input output
#include <stdlib.h>//standart lib
#include <string.h>//libraru for string function and ...
#include <malloc.h>
//Imnplement structure Student
typedef struct Student
int rolNum;//RollNumber
char name[50];//Name
char depart[30];//Departament
int course;//Course
int yaer;
//Input Function
void InputStudent(Student* st)
printf("RollNumber: ");
scanf("%i", &st->rolNum);
printf("Name: ");
fgets(st->name, 50, stdin);
printf("Departament: ");
scanf("%s", st->depart);
printf("Course: ");
scanf("%i", &st->course);
printf("Join Year: ");
scanf("%i", &st->yaer);
//Out function
void OutStudent(Student* st)
printf("RollNumber: %i ", st->rolNum);
printf("Name: %s",st->name);
printf("Departament: %s ",st->depart);
printf("Course: %i ", st->course);
printf("Join Year: %i\n",st->yaer);
int main()
Student* sArr = (Student*)malloc(sizeof(Student) * SIZE);//array of student
printf("Please fill date students\n");
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
int qu = 0;
while (!qu)
printf("\t1 -Part (a)-Students joined by particular year\n");
printf("\t2 -Part (b)-Students by rollNumber\n");
printf("\t3 Quit\n");
int cmd;
scanf("%i", &cmd);
switch (cmd)
case 1:
int yr;//Year
printf("Please enter joined year: ");
scanf("%i", &yr);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if (sArr[i].yaer == yr)
printf("==============OUT DATE STUDENT======================\n");
case 2:
int rlNum;
printf("Please enter Roll Number: ");
scanf("%i", &rlNum);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if (sArr[i].rolNum == rlNum)
printf("==============OUT DATE STUDENT======================\n");
case 3:
printf("Quit this programm!!!\n");
qu = 1;
free(sArr);//free memory
return 0;
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