There is a structure called employee that holds information like employee code, name, date of joining. Write a program to create an array of the structure and enter some data into it. Then ask the user to enter the current date. Display the names of those employees whose tenure is 3 or more than 3 years according to the given current date.
//There is a structure called employee that holds information like employee code,
//name, date of joining. Write a program to create an array of the structure and enter
//some data into it. Then ask the user to enter the current date.
//Display the names of those employees whose tenure is 3 or more
//than 3 years according to the given current date.
#define NO_OF_EMP 3
struct Employee
int EmpCode;
char Name[50];
int JoiningDate;
int JoiningMonth;
int JoiningYear;
int n;
int day2,day1,mon1,mon2,year1,year2;
struct Employee E[NO_OF_EMP];
int day_diff, mon_diff, year_diff;
printf("\nEnter Current Date (1-31): "); scanf("%d",&day2);
printf("\nEnter Current Month (1-12): "); scanf("%d",&mon2);
printf("\nEnter Current Year (YYYY): "); scanf("%d",&year2);
printf("\nEnter Emp.-%d Information:",n+1);
printf("\nEnter Emp. Code : "); scanf("%d",&E[n].EmpCode);
printf("\nEnter Emp. Name : "); scanf("%s",&E[n].Name);
printf("\nEnter Joining Date : "); scanf("%d",&E[n].JoiningDate);
printf("\nEnter Joining Month: "); scanf("%d",&E[n].JoiningMonth);
printf("\nEnter Joining Year : "); scanf("%d",&E[n].JoiningYear);
if(day2 < day1)
if (mon2 == 3)
if ((year2 % 4 == 0 && year2 % 100 != 0) || (year2 % 400 == 0)) day2 += 29;
else day2 += 28;
else if (mon2 == 5 || mon2 == 7 || mon2 == 10 || mon2 == 12) day2 += 30;
else day2 += 31;
mon2 = mon2 - 1;
if (mon2 < mon1)
mon2 += 12;
year2 -= 1;
day_diff = day2 - day1;
mon_diff = mon2 - mon1;
year_diff = year2 - year1;
if(year_diff>=3 && mon_diff>=0 && mon_diff>=0 &&day_diff>=0)
printf("\n\nEmployee with more than 3 years of service:");
printf("\nEmp . ID : %d",E[n].EmpCode);
printf("\nEmp . Name: %s",E[n].Name);
printf("\n\nPeriod of Service: %d years %02d months and %02d days.", year_diff, mon_diff, day_diff);
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