A worker takes a job for 5 days. His pay for the day 1 is Rs. X, for day 2 is Rs. 2X and so on. Develop a C program to find the total salary.
#include <stdio.h>
double salary(double firstDay, int nDays) {
double totalSalary = 0;
int i;
for (i=1; i<=nDays; i++) {
totalSalary += i*firstDay;
return totalSalary;
int main() {
double x, totSalary;
printf("Enter a salary for the first day (Rs.): ");
scanf("%lf", &x);
totSalary = salary(x, 5);
printf("The salary total job is Rs. %.2lf\n", totSalary);
return 0;
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