Three friends set out to explore a remote area. They choose a safe place and make it their Base Camp. To speed up exploration time they decide to work independently. At any given point, either one or more of them can set out to explore the area. They set a protocol that after exploring the area they must meet back at the Base Camp in the evening and exchange notes.
The remote area consists of accessible and inaccessible pieces of land. Being ordinary humans, they must walk only the accessible piece of land. In order to maximize their exploration time, each one is interested in knowing about a shortest path back to the base camp.
Given that the area under exploration is arranged in form of a rectangular grid, help the explorers to chalk out a shortest path back to the base camp. Properties of a rectangle can be used as heuristic in computing distance between their positions and the Base Camp. Your task is to find out and mark the shortest path for each explorer and print each path as a separate grid.
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