The development team of SoftSols Inc. has revamped the software according to the requirements
of FlyHigh Airlines and is in the process of testing the software. While testing the software, the
team encounters the following issues:
The operations-related data of FlyHigh Airlines is stored in a central database. The software
fails to respond to user inputs, if there is a connectivity problem with the database. Add the code
snippet that the development team should use to ensure that the application shows a userfriendly
message, if such a situation arises in future.[5 Marks]
The application used to calculate the cost of carrying additional luggage results in erroneous
amount, if the weight of the luggage is a fractional number. Help the development team modify
the code snippet so that the cost of carrying additional luggage is calculated correctly.
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Dear customer, Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
Dear customer, Unfortunately, this question requires a lot of work and
cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an
assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
karishma srivastava
02.03.14, 08:49
please give answer of this assignment question
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Dear customer, Unfortunately, this question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
please give answer of this assignment question
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