You are going to implement a command-line student management system.
Users can type four commands (case insensitive):
Create command to create new student record with 4 pieces of information separated by
comma: student ID (string), name (string), major (string), GPA (floating point)
o For example: create:105,Alice,EECS,2.54
Sort command to display all the student records in sorted order either by name or by GPA (the
sorting criteria is case insensitive)
o For example: sort:name
Search command to find a student record by the student ID
o For example: search:105
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12.12.13, 14:15
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11.12.13, 20:14
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11.12.13, 20:12
Instructions: Complete the following exercise. Your total assignment
submission should be at least 3-4 pages in length, double spaced.
Topic Summary: Implementing a new Software/Hardware Systems can be
quite challenging. Imagine that you work for a company that has a
traditional style Human Resources Department that does not offer any
services via the Internet. This company decides to create an Employee
Self Service system that uses internet technologies. Write an analysis
of the steps you would take to so
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Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
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Instructions: Complete the following exercise. Your total assignment submission should be at least 3-4 pages in length, double spaced. Topic Summary: Implementing a new Software/Hardware Systems can be quite challenging. Imagine that you work for a company that has a traditional style Human Resources Department that does not offer any services via the Internet. This company decides to create an Employee Self Service system that uses internet technologies. Write an analysis of the steps you would take to so
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