Student Class:
Create a class called Student.cs. This class contains the following:
a) class data fields name, mark and grade
b) public Student (string name, double mark, string grade)
// constructor
c) public string getName() / / to return name of student
d) public double getMark() // to return mark of student
e) public string getGrade() // to return student grade
f) public void setMark(double mark) // to set student mark
g) public string setGrade(double mark) // mark is first checked using a nested if-else and switch to determine grade.
The possible grades are:
0 <= mark < 50 -
50 <= mark < 60 -
60 <= mark < 70 -
70 <= mark < 80 -
80 <= mark < 100 -
Sample Output:
Please enter number of student marks you would like to add: 2
Please enter name of student 1 : Sam
Please enter mark for student 1 : 33
Please enter name of student 2 : John
Please enter mark for student 2 : 88
Choose an option:
1. Display a Student Mark
2. Change Student Mark
3. Print out information for all students
4. Exit program
Enter Option: 1
Display a student mark
Please enter name of student you would display mark for: jjj
I am sorry. Student: 'jjj' does not exist
Choose an option:
1. Display a Student Mark
2. Change Student Mark
3. Print out information for all students
4. Exit program
Enter Option: 1
Display a student mark
Please enter name of student you would display mark for: Sam
Marks for Sam is: 33.0
Choose an option:
1. Display a Student Mark
2. Change Student Mark
3. Print out information for all students
4. Exit program
Enter Option: 2
Change Student Mark
Please enter name of student you would like to change mark for: John
Current marks for John is: 88.0
Enter new mark for John: 3333
Invalid Entry! Marks must be between 0 - 100!
Enter new mark for John: 70
New grade for John is: D
Choose an option:
1. Display a Student Mark
2. Change Student Mark
3. Print out information for all students
4. Exit program
Enter Option: 3
Print out information for all students
Name Mark Grade
Sam 33.0 F
John 70.0 D
Choose an option:
1. Display a Student Mark
2. Change Student Mark
3. Print out information for all students
4. Exit program
Enter Option: 4
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