Write a program that requests the user for a year (you can assume the year will always be at
least 2000), the population of Brazil in that year (in terms of millions of people) and the annual
population growth rate (always as a real number in the range 0 – 1), and then uses the two
methods written above to determine and display the year in which Brazil’s population first
exceeded/exceeds 180 million people. The program must also display Brazil’s total population
in this year.
namespace Population
class Program
public static double PopulationTotal(double cur_pop, double gr_rate)
return (cur_pop + cur_pop * gr_rate);
public static bool Over180Million(double pop)
if (pop > 180)
return true;
return false;
public static void Main(string[] args)
int year, i;
double population, popul_in_year, pop_gr_rate;
Console.Write("Enter year: ");
year = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter population of Brazil in {0} year (million): ", year);
popul_in_year = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter annual population growth rate: ");
pop_gr_rate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
population = PopulationTotal(popul_in_year, pop_gr_rate);
for (i=year; Over180Million(population) == false; i++)
population += PopulationTotal(popul_in_year, pop_gr_rate);
Console.WriteLine("The year in which Brazil’s population first exceeded/exceeds 180 million people: {0}" , i);
Console.WriteLine("Brazil’s total population in {0} year: {1:f4} million people", i, population);
Console.Write("\nPress any key to continue . . . ");
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