a. Create class name Employee
b. add the attributes: firstName, LastName, MiddleName, Age, Company,Salary and
c. create a getters and setter for the class
d. add constructors (with and without parameters)
e. add function in your class name it DisplayInfo to display all details of the employee
f. add a function name it SalWithVat, to calculate the salary with 12% tax deduction.
g. Create main class to test your Class
//On main I add an example but we can add many object data
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//define class
class Employee
private string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string MiddleName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
public int IDNumber { get; set; }
public Employee()//default constructor
FirstName = "-";
LastName = "-";
MiddleName = "-";
Age = 17;
Company = "Google";
Salary = 1000;
IDNumber = 1;
public Employee(string f,string l,string m,int ol,string com,double
sal,int id)//Constructor with parametres
FirstName = f;
LastName = l;
MiddleName = m;
Age = ol;
Company = com;
Salary = sal;
IDNumber = id;
//Define Method to display
public void DisplayInfo()//Information about object
Console.WriteLine($"|{IDNumber,-7}|{LastName,15}|{FirstName,15}|{MiddleName,15}|{Age,-5}|{Company,15}|{Salary + "$",-7}|");
//Define Method Sall
public double SalWithVat()
double x = (100.0 * Salary) / 88.0;
return x;//with Tax deduction
class Program {
public static void Main (string[] args) {
//Testing this class
Console.WriteLine($"|{" ID ",-7}|{"LastName",15}|{"FirstName",15}|{"MiddleName",15}|{"Age",-5}|{"Company",15}|{"Sall" + "$",-7}|");
Employee emp=new Employee("Carvel","Smith","Oliver",22,"Digital ST",2560,1);
Console.WriteLine("Sallary with tax deduction:" + emp.SalWithVat());
Console.ReadKey ();
//This code build and run all type OS (I tested in Lunix)
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