As part of her business activities, Sharon has created a large number of files and folders.
Whenever she needs to view the details of the files stored in a folder, Sharon browses to the folder
using Windows Explorer. However, she finds it cumbersome to browse to each individual folder to
view the desired details. Therefore, she asks Hayley to modify the application to accept the name
of a folder and display the following details of the files located in the folder:
File name
File size
File creation date
Write the code that Hayley should write to create the desired file information viewer application.
[10 Marks]
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aakash verma
10.08.13, 06:06
respected sir, please provide the answer of this question.
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Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
respected sir, please provide the answer of this question.
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