using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace App
  class Program
    public static void Main()
      Console.Write("Enter the first name: ");
      string firstName = Console.ReadLine();
      Console.Write("Enter the last name: ");
      string lastName = Console.ReadLine();
      displayGreetingMessage(firstName +" "+ lastName);
      displayGreetingMessage(firstName, lastName);
      Console.Write("Enter the total items: ");
      float totalItems = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
      Console.Write("Enter the price: ");
      float price = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
      Console.WriteLine("The total price of an item (price = 10): {0}", computeTotalPriceItem(totalItems));
      Console.WriteLine("The total price of an item (price = {0}): {1}", price, computeTotalPriceItem(totalItems, price));
    private static void displayGreetingMessage(string fullName)
      Console.WriteLine("Welcome, {0}", fullName);
    private static void displayGreetingMessage(string firstName, string lastName)
      Console.WriteLine("Welcome, {0} {1}", firstName, lastName);
    public static float computeTotalPriceItem(float totalItems)
      return totalItems * 10.0f;
    public static float computeTotalPriceItem(float totalItems, float price)
      return totalItems * price;
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