Design a solution that prints the amount of profit an organisation receives based on its sales. The more sales documented, the larger the profit ratio. Allow the user to input the total sales figure for the organisation. Compute the profit based on the following table. Display the sales and profit formatted with commas, decimals, and a rand symbol. Display the profit ratio formatted with a percent symbol. 0 – R1000: 3.0% / R1000.01 – R5000: 3.5% / R5000.01 – R10000: 4.0% / over R10000: 4.5%
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace App
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Enter the total sales figure for the organisation: ");
double totalSales;
double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out totalSales);
double profit=0;
double profitPerc=0;
//l. 0 – R1000: 3.0% / R1000.01 – R5000: 3.5% / R5000.01 – R10000: 4.0% / over R10000: 4.5%
if (totalSales > 0 && totalSales <= 1000) {
profitPerc = 0.03;
profit = totalSales *profitPerc;
if (totalSales > 1000 && totalSales <= 5000)
profitPerc = 0.035;
profit = totalSales * profitPerc;
if (totalSales > 5000 && totalSales <= 10000)
profitPerc = 0.04;
profit = totalSales * profitPerc;
if (totalSales > 10000 )
profitPerc = 0.045;
profit = totalSales * profitPerc;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe sales: {0:N2}", totalSales);
Console.WriteLine("The profit ({0:P}): {1:N2}\n", profitPerc, profit);
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