Return Lines 33-34 to the form:
Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} {1}, (ID: {2}) earned {3:C}",
firstName, lastName, idNum, grossPay);
Assume employees have their wages reduced by 20% to reflect the effects of taxes:
Modify the variable declarations in Line 6 to add netPay: public static void Main()
int idNum;
double payRate, hours, grossPay;
string firstName, lastName;
Add a new line of code into the program to compute netPay which is grossPay multiplied by 0.8 (80%).
Math Lesson Reminder: The 0.8 multiplier is 1.0 - 0.20. If 20% of the employee's salary goes to tax, 80% of their salary (or 100% - 20%) is what they get to keep.
Modify Lines 33-34 to print out the value of netPay as well as grossPay.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace App{
class Program{
static void Main(string[] args){
int idNum;
double payRate, hours, grossPay, netPay;
string firstName, lastName;
// prompt the user to enter employee's first name
Console.Write("Enter employee's first name => ");
firstName = Console.ReadLine();
// prompt the user to enter employee's last name
Console.Write("Enter employee's last name => ");
lastName = Console.ReadLine();
// prompt the user to enter a six digit employee number
Console.Write("Enter a six digit employee's ID => ");
idNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
// prompt the user to enter the number of hours employee worked
Console.Write("Enter the number of hours employee worked => ");
hours = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
// prompt the user to enter the employee's hourly pay rate
Console.Write("Enter employee's hourly pay rate: ");
payRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
// calculate gross pay
grossPay = hours * payRate;
//Add a new line of code into the program to compute netPay which is grossPay multiplied by 0.8 (80%).
//Math Lesson Reminder: The 0.8 multiplier is 1.0 - 0.20. If 20% of the employee's salary goes to tax,
//80% of their salary (or 100% - 20%) is what they get to keep.
netPay = grossPay * 0.8;
// output results
Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} {1}, (ID: {2}) earned {3:C}", firstName, lastName, idNum, netPay);
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