This question continues with this one posted now:
In the application class (main method), do the following Implement method addMember(): static void addMember(Member[] memberList, ref int nrEl) //Request the name of a member and adds that member to the list Implement the main method which contains the following: A declaration of an array of members, which can take 5 members A loop that adds 5 members to the array, using addMember() A loop that sets the points of the first two members to 30 A call to an array method to sort the objects in the array in ascending order of name A loop that uses displayMember() to display all the objects
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MemberApp
class Member : IComparable
private string Name;
private int Points;
public Member(string name, int points = 0)
this.Name = name;
this.Points = points;
public string getName()
return Name;
public int getPoints()
return Points;
public void setPoints(int P)
this.Points = P;
public void diplayMember()
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + Name + "\n" + "Points: " + Points + "\n");
int IComparable.CompareTo(object obj)
return this.Name.CompareTo(((Member)obj).Name);
class Program
static void addMember(Member[] memberList, ref int nrEl)
Console.Write("Ente a member name: ");
string Name = Console.ReadLine();
if (nrEl < 2)
memberList[nrEl] = new Member(Name, 30);
else {
Console.Write("Ente a member Points: ");
int Points = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
memberList[nrEl] = new Member(Name, Points);
static void Main(string[] args)
Member[] memberList = new Member[5];
int nrEl = 0;
//A declaration of an array of members, which can take 5 members
//A loop that adds 5 members to the array, using addMember()
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//A loop that sets the points of the first two members to 30
addMember(memberList, ref nrEl);
//A call to an array method to sort the objects in the array in ascending order of name
//A loop that uses displayMember() to display all the objects
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
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