Create an Window forms Application in Visual studio 2010 in C# which Contain some labels including( ArticleId,Article Title,Topic,AuthorId,No. of Lines,Date Of Publishing ) with their respective Text Boxes including(txtArticleId,txtArticleTitle,txtArticleTopic,txtAuthorId,txtNumOfLines,txtDateOfPublishing) and three Buttons including(Load Data Button, Edit Button & Save Button).This Application uses an OleDb Ms Access Databse and access database data to the Respective Field of Application Form by clicking on Load Data Button.We can Edit the Record by click on Edit Button and Save the data to the Physical Database by clicking on Save Button and for saving data we have to use the(dataAdapter Object.Update(Dataset Object,DataTable Table Name); Dataset Object.AcceptChanges(); ) these two commands which w'll reflect the changes in the physical DataBase.
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