Q.No.1. There are total 50 employees working in XYZ organization who have a policy of Bonus via lucky draw. They want to automate the process to select employees randomly for lucky draw.
Write code for a console application where you have to declare an integer array that store employee numbers. Employee number will be provided as input to a function fillEmployee(int eNum). Make sure, employee number, must be 4 digit unique number otherwise repeat the process till you get valid input.
Now the company wants to announce employee through a Lucky Draw. You are required to generate random 4 digit employee number and compare with existing employee numbers (using Random class of C#). Repeat the process till you match a valid employee number and then print “congratulation” message along with winner’s employee number.
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace LuckyDraw
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] employeeNumbers = FillEmployee(3); //You can change number here, to check the solution
var random = new Random();
int winner = 0;
while (!employeeNumbers.Contains(winner))
winner = random.Next(9999);
Console.WriteLine($"Congratulations! The Winner is number {winner}!");
public static int[] FillEmployee(int eNum)
var numbers = new int[eNum];
int employeeCount = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Hello! We need to fill the list of employees.");
while(employeeCount < eNum)
Console.WriteLine($"Please, enter 4 digit unique number. {eNum - employeeCount} left.");
string input = string.Empty;
while (input.Length < 4)
char symbol = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
if (char.IsDigit(symbol))
input += symbol;
ShowErrorMessage("\nError! Only digits is allowed!");
input = string.Empty;
int parsedNumber = int.Parse(input);
if (numbers.Contains(parsedNumber))
ShowErrorMessage("\nThis number is already registered!");
numbers[employeeCount++] = parsedNumber;
return numbers;
public static void PrintMessage(string message, ConsoleColor color)
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
public static void PrintAllNumbersAccepted()
PrintMessage("All numbers accepted! Thank you!", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
public static void ShowErrorMessage(string message)
PrintMessage(message, ConsoleColor.Red);
public static void PrintNumberAccepted(string num)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine($"Number {num} accepted!");
public static void PrintLine()
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
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