Implement your own version of the N- child using C# with mentioned functionalities : insert, delete, contains, get elements by value, get elements by level, iterator breadth first, iterator depth first, traverse/print breadth first, traverse/print depth first.
Use of similar data structures already present in the language/framework is not allowed.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace NTree
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Inserting nodes");
var ntree = new NTree();
ntree.AddRoot(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(0, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(1, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(2, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(3, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().GetChild(0).AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(11, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().GetChild(0).AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(12, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().GetChild(0).AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(13, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().GetChild(1).AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(21, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().GetChild(1).AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(22, 3));
ntree.GetRoot().GetChild(1).AddNode(new NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode(23, 3));
Console.WriteLine("Iterating though tree with BFS:");
foreach (var elem in ntree.GetRoot().BreadthFirstSearch())
Console.WriteLine(elem != null ? elem.GetValue() : "NULL");
Console.WriteLine("Iterating though tree with DFS:");
foreach (var elem in ntree.GetRoot().DepthFirstSearch())
Console.WriteLine(elem != null ? elem.GetValue() : "NULL");
Console.WriteLine("Printing breadth first:");
Console.WriteLine("Printing depth first:");
Console.WriteLine("Elements of level 1:");
foreach (var elem in ntree.GetRoot().GetElementsByLevel(1))
Console.WriteLine(elem != null ? elem.GetValue() : "NULL");
Console.WriteLine("Elements of node by value 2:");
foreach (var elem in ntree.GetRoot().GetElementsByValue(2))
Console.WriteLine(elem != null ? elem.GetValue() : "NULL");
Console.WriteLine($"Does tree contain node value 1: {ntree.GetRoot().Contains(1)}");
Console.WriteLine("Removing first element of level 1");
Console.WriteLine($"Does tree contain node value 1: {ntree.GetRoot().Contains(1)}");
public class NTree
public NTree() { maxChildren = int.MaxValue; }
public NTree(int maxNumChildren) { maxChildren = maxNumChildren; } // The root node of the tree
protected NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode root = null; // The maximum number of child nodes that a parent node may contain
protected int maxChildren = 0;
public void AddRoot(NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode node) { root = node; }
public NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode GetRoot() { return (root); }
public int MaxChildren { get { return (maxChildren); } }
public class NTreeNodeFactory
public NTreeNodeFactory(NTree root) { maxChildren = root.MaxChildren; }
private int maxChildren = 0; public int MaxChildren { get { return (maxChildren); } }
public NTreeNode CreateNode(IComparable value) { return (new NTreeNode(value, maxChildren)); } // Nested Node class
public class NTreeNode
public NTreeNode(IComparable value, int maxChildren)
if (value != null) { nodeValue = value; }
childNodes = new NTreeNode[maxChildren];
protected IComparable nodeValue = null;
protected NTreeNode[] childNodes = null;
public int NumOfChildren { get { return (CountChildren()); } }
public int CountChildren() { int currCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index <= childNodes.GetUpperBound(0); index++) { if (childNodes[index] != null) { ++currCount; currCount += childNodes[index].CountChildren(); } } return (currCount); }
public int CountImmediateChildren() { int currCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index <= childNodes.GetUpperBound(0); index++) { if (childNodes[index] != null) { ++currCount; } } return (currCount); }
public NTreeNode[] Children { get { return (childNodes); } }
public NTreeNode GetChild(int index) { return (childNodes[index]); }
public IComparable GetValue() { return (nodeValue); }
public void AddNode(NTreeNode node) { int numOfNonNullNodes = CountImmediateChildren(); if (numOfNonNullNodes < childNodes.Length) { childNodes[numOfNonNullNodes] = node; } else { throw (new Exception("Cannot add more children to this node.")); } }
public IEnumerable<NTreeNode> GetElementsByValue(IComparable value)
foreach (var elem in BreadthFirstSearch())
var val = elem.GetValue();
if (val != null && val.CompareTo(value) == 0)
return elem.Children;
return null;
public IEnumerable<NTreeNode> GetElementsByLevel(int level)
if (level == 0)
yield return this;
yield break;
for (int index = 0; index < childNodes.Length; index++)
if (childNodes[index] != null)
if (level == 0)
yield return childNodes[index];
foreach (var elem in childNodes[index].GetElementsByLevel(level - 1))
yield return elem;
public bool Contains(IComparable value)
foreach (var elem in BreadthFirstSearch())
var val = elem.GetValue();
if (val != null && val.CompareTo(value) == 0)
return true;
return false;
public IEnumerable<NTreeNode> BreadthFirstSearch()
Queue row = new Queue();
while (row.Count > 0)
NTreeNode currentNode = (NTreeNode)row.Dequeue();
yield return currentNode;
for (int index = 0; index < currentNode.CountImmediateChildren(); index++)
if (currentNode.Children[index] != null)
public void PrintDepthFirst()
Console.WriteLine("this: " + nodeValue.ToString());
for (int index = 0; index < childNodes.Length; index++)
if (childNodes[index] != null)
Console.WriteLine("\tchildNodes[" + index + "]: " + childNodes[index].nodeValue.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("\tchildNodes[" + index + "]: NULL");
for (int index = 0; index < childNodes.Length; index++)
if (childNodes[index] != null)
public void PrintBreathFirst()
foreach (var elem in BreadthFirstSearch())
Console.WriteLine(elem != null ? elem.GetValue() : "NULL");
public IEnumerable<NTreeNode> DepthFirstSearch()
yield return this;
foreach (var elem in DepthFirstSearchInternal())
yield return elem;
private IEnumerable<NTreeNode> DepthFirstSearchInternal()
for (int index = 0; index < childNodes.Length; index++)
if (childNodes[index] != null)
yield return childNodes[index];
foreach (var elem in childNodes[index].DepthFirstSearchInternal())
yield return elem;
public void RemoveNode(int index)
if (index < childNodes.GetLowerBound(0) || index > childNodes.GetUpperBound(0))
throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, "Array index out of bounds."));
else if (index < childNodes.GetUpperBound(0))
Array.Copy(childNodes, index + 1, childNodes, index, childNodes.Length - index - 1);
childNodes.SetValue(null, childNodes.GetUpperBound(0));
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