Get all the files from a given directory and perform the following actions
1. Return the number of text files in the directory (*.txt).
2. Return the number of files per extension type.
3. Return the top 5 largest files, along with their file size (use anonymous types).
4. Return the file with maximum length
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Q180525
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Get all the files from a given directory and perform the following actions
string directoryPath = @"F:\test";
Console.Write("Enter the directory (example: F:\\test) ");
if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);
//1. Return the number of text files in the directory (*.txt).
int numberTextFiles = directoryInfo.GetFiles().ToList().Where(file => file.FullName.Contains(".txt")).Count();
Console.WriteLine("\nThe number of text files in the directory (*.txt): {0}", numberTextFiles);
//2. Return the number of files per extension type.
Console.WriteLine("\nThe number of files per extension type:");
var extensionTypeCounters = directoryInfo.EnumerateFiles("*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.GroupBy(file => file.Extension)
.Select(g => new { Extension = g.Key, Count = g.Count() })
foreach (var extensionTypeCounter in extensionTypeCounters)
Console.WriteLine("The number of files with extension \"{0}\" is: {1}", extensionTypeCounter.Extension, extensionTypeCounter.Count);
//3. Return the top 5 largest files, along with their file size (use anonymous types).
Console.WriteLine("\nThe top 5 largest files, along with their file size:");
var topLargestFiles = directoryInfo.GetFiles().OrderByDescending(file => file.Length).Take(5).ToList();
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in topLargestFiles)
Console.WriteLine("The file \"{0}\" has size {1} MB", fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.Length / 1024f / 1024f);
//4. Return the file with maximum length
if (topLargestFiles.Count != 0) {
Console.WriteLine("\nThe file \"{0}\" has maximum length in the directory {1} MB", ((FileInfo)topLargestFiles[0]).Name, ((FileInfo)topLargestFiles[0]).Length / 1024f / 1024f);
Console.WriteLine("The directory does not exist.");
catch (Exception ex)
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