I have a button that stores strings in an array but I can click it several times and add the same value to it. I just want to know how to code that when I press the button it will prompt a message and don't add the strings to the array. Please help me. Thank you.
Expert's answer
To do that you need to check if your array already contains inputted string. If it does – you should show a message and wait to another string to be inputted, other way you should add it to your array. Here is an example in C#. First of all you should create an array where all your strings will be saved.& Class List is a powerful implementation of a dynamic array. It represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists. & private static List<string> myDynamArray = new List<string>() ;
Now you should enter some sting in a field (textbox). I called it MyTextBox. After you click the button (Add_btn) the code below will be done:
if (myDynamArray.Contains(MyTextBox.Text)) // check, if our array contains inputted string
{ MessageBox.Show("Array already contains this string (" + MyTextBox.Text + ")"); // if it does, we show& the message } else { myDynamArray.Add(MyTextBox.Text); //if it don’t – we add inputed string to the array }
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