Q no. 1 30 Marks
A new movie theater has opened in your town and the owner needs a system that facilitates the
Reservation of seats in the cinema’s auditorium. Design a windows application Form that
Facilitates the reservation of tickets for this Movie Theater.
Design and connect the following database using LINQ or Entity Framework for the given
Movie (id (PK), name, description )
ScheduleMovie (id (PK), movieID (FK), time, price)
Seat (id (PK), number, rownumber, columnnumber)
Reservation (id (PK), scheduledMovie(FK), seatnum(FK), customerId(FK), haspaidTicket)
Customer (id (PK), email, name)
The user of this application is a cinema staff, for example the admin and the Cashier.
The Admin Panel
The admin registers the cashiers and also, add new movies when released.
The panel has various menus named Add, Remove, and detail
Add menu has sub menu named AddMovie, and AddCashier. Remove menu has sub menu
named removeMovie and removeCashier.
Click event raised on the click of AddMovie which displays a new form for the movie entry
that includes name, ticket price, timing, and total seats.
Make session gets out after every 10 minutes. (Timer component)
The Cashier Panel
First screen shows the Movie Image that is available in Movie Theater. (Use Picture Box)
Click event raised on the click of Movie Image that display new form for customer
The Cashier registers the customer for the seat. The program assigns the first vacant seat
number counted from the seat at the most rear part of the auditorium i.e. the last chair.
The GUI must include textboxes for input, labels for read only information such as
headings and also output. In addition a listbox must also be used.
The values entered by the user in the textboxes must be validated when the user clicks the
Reserve/Cancel button.
The value entered in the name textbox should at least contain one character that is not a
blank, otherwise a message box is to be shown to the user with appropriate error (use
The value entered in the price textbox most be a valid double value greater or equal to 0 (0
for free tickets) (use regex).
Test the application with a total number of seats = 240. The program should keep track of
the number of vacant seats.
Every time the user clicks the Reserve/Cancel button, and if the radio button Reserve is
checked, increase the number of vacant seats by one. Also accumulate the price of each
reserved seat to show in the revenue output label, i.e. revenue = Sum of prices.
When the user selects the Cancel Reservation option, the TextBoxes are to be disabled.
Even the Reserve/Cancel button is to be disabled as cancel function will not be
implemented in this version.
Use Error provider to show errors to the user.
Use the Customer and the Movie class to maintain the records.
Design database and perform the crud operations where necessary.
Generate day to day Crystal Report for the on-screen shows your report should also contain
number of sold tickets.
Q no. 2 10 Marks
Design a suite like MS office using WPF. Your application must include at least two application
like word or excel or PowerPoint, or OneNote.
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