An airplane operates planes which have first class and economy seats. If the customer approaches a tcket clerk, the clerk ask which type of seat is wanted. If that type is available, a ticket is issued for that seat. If not available, the customer is asked if the alternate type of seat would be acceptable(provide one is available)If it is acceptable, a ticket of the alternative type is issued.If it is not acceptable. A ticket of the alternate type is issued. If it is not acceptable, no ticket is issued. Write a program that would display either ‘ISSUE FIRST CLASS’,‘ISSUE ECONOMY’,or ‘DO NOT ISSUE TICKET’based on output codes entered.The input codes are defined as follows:
Class code1=cstomer wants first class 2=customer wants economy class
Alternative code 1=cstomer will take alternative type.2=customer won’t take alternative type.
Availability Code of First 1=first class seat is available. 2=first class seat is not available class.
Avbility Code Ecnmy1=economy seat is availability2=economy seat is available.
Expert's answer
int classT = 0; int altT = 0; int avalF = 0; int avalE = 0; Console.WriteLine("Enter ticket class: "); classT = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (classT){ case 1: {
Console.WriteLine("Enter avaliability of first class: ");
avalF = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (avalF) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("ISSUE FIRST CLASS"); break; case 2:{ Console.WriteLine("Is alternate ticket acceptable? "); altT = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (altT){ case 1:{ Console.WriteLine("Enter avaliability of econom class: ");
avalE = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (avalE) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("ISSUE ECONOM CLASS");
break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("DO NOT ISSUE TICKET");
} case 2: { Console.WriteLine("DO NOT ISSUE TICKET");
break; }
} break; } case 2: { Console.WriteLine("Enter avaliability of econom class: "); avalE = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (avalE){ case 1: Console.WriteLine("ISSUE ECONOM CLASS"); break; case 2: { Console.WriteLine("Is alternate ticket acceptable? "); altT = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (altT) { case 1: { Console.WriteLine("Enter avaliability of first class: ");
avalF = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (avalF) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("ISSUE FIRST CLASS");
break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("DO NOT ISSUE TICKET");
} case 2:{ Console.WriteLine("DO NOT ISSUE TICKET");
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