Function 1: Rent calculation.
Return the total rent_value when vehicle_no, rented_date, return_date, with_driver parameters are sent in. with_driver parameter is set to true or false depending whether the vehicle is rented with or without driver.
Function 2: Day tour - hire calculation.
Calculate total hire_value when vehicle_no, package_type, start_time, end_time, start_km_reading, end_km_reading parameters are sent in. Should return base_hire_charge, waiting_charge and extra_km_charge as output parameters.
Function 3: Long tour - hire calculation.
Calculate total hire_value when vehicle_no, package_type, start_date, end_date, start_km_reading, end_km_reading parameters are sent in. Should return base_hire_charge, overnight_stay_charge and extra_km_charge as output parameters.
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