Write a single statement that computes the sum, k
∑ (k is an integer). Place the result in the
AL register. Computing the sum means you must have a constant expression that computes the
value, and that it is done at assembly time, not runtime. The register must be zeroed out before
the result is stored.
2. Write a short block of computational statements that causes the AX register to overflow or
underflow. Use variables as opposed to immediate values. Make sure no other computations
affect the outcome of this register. The register must be zeroed out before it is used.
3. Using directives for creating symbolics, write a single statement that computes the number of
seconds in a day and places the result in the EBX register. The statement that is placed in the
program and expanded should be SECONDS_IN_DAY. The EBX register should be zeroed out
before it is used. Make sure the statement uses the symbolics to the fullest extent
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