Answer to Question #223952 in Assembler for Ann

Question #223952

A quantity surveyor has requested you to design an application using a flowchart to estimate the amount of paint required to paint a cylindrical water storage tank. The tank will be painted on the interior surface only. Each square meter of the surface will need 1 liter of paint that costs KES 500. The labor cost for painting the tank is 1000 KES. The program should prompt user to enter radius and height of the tank in meters then pass these values to a procedure which calculate and display the surface area of the tank, amount of paint needed and total cost of the painting the tank. In this regard you are required to:

1.Draw a flowchart to represent this system (12 Marks)

2.Write an assembly program to implement the design in a) above. (8 Marks)

Expert's answer
# Description:
# Write a MIPS  program in MARS
EnterPromptR:  .asciiz "Please enter a floating R =  "
EnterPromptH:  .asciiz "Please enter a floating H =  "

InvalidPrompt:  .asciiz "\nInvalid number, re-enter  "
surfacArea:      .asciiz "\nSurface area "
amountPaint:      .asciiz "\nAmount of Paint  "
totalCost:         .asciiz "\nTotal Cost "
KES:              .asciiz " KES"

piFloat:     .float 3.1415
zeroFloat:     .float 0.0
twoFloat:     .float 2.0

liter:        .float 500
cost:         .float 1000
# code segment

        .globl main
    lwc1 $f1, piFloat        # $f1 = 3.1415
    lwc1 $f2, zeroFloat    
    lwc1 $f3, twoFloat    
   li $v0,4                  # print string
   la $a0,EnterPromptR         # Please enter a floating R =

    li $v0,6                # read float ($f0 = readed value)
    mov.s $f4,$f0            # save R from $F0 to $F4    

# branch if  R < 0, then jump to repGetR  $f0, $f2
    bc1t    repGetR
    j        getH
    li $v0,4                  # print string
    la $a0,InvalidPrompt    #"\nInvalid number, re-enter"
    j getR

   li $v0,4                  # print string
   la $a0,EnterPromptH         # Please enter a floating H =

    li $v0,6                # read float ($f0 = readed value)
    mov.s $f5,$f0            # save H from $F0 to $F5        

# branch if  H < 0, then jump to repGetH  $f0, $f2
    bc1t    repGetH
    j      calc
    li $v0,4                  # print string
    la $a0,InvalidPrompt    #"\nInvalid number, re-enter"
    j getH

# Calculate the total surface area of a cylinder  2*pi*r(h+r)    
    add.s $f6, $f4, $f5        # (h+r)

    mul.s $f6,$f4,$f6        # $F6 = r(h+r)
    mul.s $f6,$f6,$f1        # $F6 = pi*r(h+r)
    mul.s $f6,$f6,$f3        # $F6 = 2*pi*r(h+r)    
    li $v0,4                  # print string
    la $a0,surfacArea         # surface Area
    li $v0,2                  # print  
    mov.s $f12,$f6             # surface Area
 # amount of paint
     lwc1 $f2, liter    
     mul.s $f6,$f6,$f2

   li $v0,4                  # print string
    la $a0,amountPaint         # Amount Paint
    li $v0,2                  # print  
    mov.s $f12,$f6             # amountPaint
    li $v0,4                  
    la $a0,KES      

#  total cost of the painting the tank
     lwc1 $f2, cost    
    add.s $f6, $f6, $f2

  li $v0,4                  # print string
    la $a0,totalCost         # totalCost
    li $v0,2                  # print  
    mov.s $f12,$f6             # totalCost
    li $v0,4                  
    la $a0,KES      

    li $v0, 10          # finished .. stop .. return
    syscall             # make the syscall


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