Write an assembly language program that moves the number 2 to BL and 0 to AL. Add BL to AL ECX many times having AL as the destination. Move 10 into ECX before the loop. What will the value of AL when the loop is done?
global _start
section .data
str: DB 30,30,30,10
strLen: EQU $-str
section .text
mov bl,2 ; move the number 2 to BL
xor al,al ; move 0 to AL
mov ecx,10
M1: add al,bl ; Add BL to AL
loop M1 ; loop ECX many times
; convert byte AL to decimal string
mov ecx, str
; first decimal digit
xor ah,ah
mov bl,100
div bl
add al,30h
mov [ecx],al
; second decimal digit
inc ecx
mov al,ah
xor ah,ah
mov bl,10
div bl
add al,30h
mov [ecx],al
; third decimal digit
inc ecx
mov al,ah
add al,30h
mov [ecx],al
; output result in AL
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, str
mov edx, strLen
int 80h
; exit
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
; Answer: AL=20
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