ASP | ASP.NET Answers

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How do you create a web application that is used to store, access, update and delete contacts and important information
Create a program in ASP that asks a user to enter temperature in celcius and then converts temperature to farenhieits.
I'm trying to build a painfully simple asp shopping cart. I need a SIMPLE page that collects and stores data from form posts from other pages. It should 1. Store all previous selections 2. Offer "Continue Shopping" 3. Provide a place to make final order submissions. Then from there I can take all that data and send it to my merchant checkout page where CC info can be safely processed. I'm willing to pay for a phone session. I imagine a quick lesson in arrays would do the trick? Maybe ?
i want to read text from text file and display in aspx form in text box. i m using stream reader.please help me.text content is like:

Factor : 1000000

10.05.13 03:54PM


Patient ID:R1

Sample Readings:

Init ABS= 0.000

Start ABS= -0.001

Abs =-0.001,dA =-0.000


Patient ID:R1

dA= -0.000


1.CONC: -0.2 mg/dL

-- -- -- -- -- --
May I know the credentials of the writers and whether your provide a plagairism report. You are located in which country?
I have html source code of a page. Then how to find
<input type="hiddenfield" value="dsgfdt" autocomplete="off">
from this source code using regex
I want to add notifyIcon Control for opening up Popup in status bar using 4.0 web application and c#.I also want to add sound to the popup but I am not able to add. Is there any way to add notifyicon with sound, for web based application?
I have to create multilingual website with languages English, Hindi and Marathi.Also the website must change theme.The themes is getting changed but after we implemented Hindi language it went blank.Please Help out.
Our project is to convert our collage website into a
multilingual site so that it supports English Hindi and Marathi
languages according to users requirement just by selecting language
using dropdown list.
We also want that the website must support variable themes.
We have created the website and the themes changes.

But after we implemented Hindi language the website went blank.

Please help me out with my project.
how do i initialize my arraylist only the firsttime i call my function in vb
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