The application developed in Task 1 is already useful in terms of functionality, but it has a serious usability flaw: the data is not persisted, forcing the user to capture all the data from scratch if the application is executed again. For this task, you will continue working on the application that you developed in Task 1. Remember to implement any feedback provided by your lecturer on Task 1 before working on Task 2. Marks will be awarded for this (see the rubric for details). All the requirements from Task 1 must still be met by the program, with the following changes and additions: 1. The software shall persist the data in a SQL database. 2. The user shall be able to register with a username and password. 3. The software shall store only the hash of the password in the database. 4. The user shall be able to log into the software with their username and password. 5. The user shall only be able to see their own data and never that of other users.
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