Write a program which calculates and displays the Pay of an employee A. The employee is
paid on the basis of number of hours he/she works for. Regular duration of work is 40 hours.
Basic pay for regular hours of work is calculated at the rate of 600Rs.per hour. Consider an
employee has worked 45 hours. The pay-rate for each overtime hour is 300Rs. Per hour. Use
variables with proper naming conventions.
Compute the value 110111001011102-111110000011012 using 10's complement
Q2: Build a DFA for each of the following languages:
1) {w ∈ {a, b}* : every ‘a’ in ‘w’ is immediately preceded and followed by ‘b’}
2) {w ∈ {a, b}* : ‘w’ does not end in ‘ba’}
3) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : ‘w’ corresponds to the binary encoding, (without leading 0’s,) of natural numbers that are evenly divisible by 4}.
4) {w ∈ {a, b}* : ‘w’ has both ‘aa’ and ‘bb’ as substrings}.
5) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : ‘w’ has odd number of 0’s and 1’s}.
explain the three principal recognition processes by
providing appropriate diagram and examples to explain your answer.
write a pseudocode and flowchart to input employee number, employee name, basic salary , allowance and deduction of the employee. find out net salary of employee . employee get a bonus salary which is 10 percent of net salary and 5 % of basic salary , company awards a festival advance which is price 10000 for this month festival advance included for the Gross salary but for the next month it is excluded. find out and output net salary , bonus salary , gross salary of the current month ans gross salary of the next month
How do you make a concept for a class called delivery that holds customer location, restaurant selected, delivery window, delivery drivers
Construction costs in Singapore are escalating. Builders are attempting various cost reduction approaches. Because many of the buildings are underpinned by concrete structures, the selection of an appropriate formwork is especially important. A selection can be made from six possible methods. The problem is to find the most appropriate method for the construction of concrete slabs for each individual building. Both building and site conditions influence the selection of appropriate method. Their relationships are complex including both quantitative and qualitative factors . Thus, considerable expertise is needed. Explain how you as a knowledge engineer will go about solving the problem.
Develop a first-cut design class diagram for a doctor who checks if a patient is vaccinated or not and when by checking previous patient health records
Write a program to evaluate the arithmetic statement 𝑥 = −𝑏 + (𝑏 ∗ 𝑏 − 4 ∗ 𝑎 ∗ 𝑐)/ 𝐶 + 𝐻 i. Using a general register computer with 3 address constructions ii. Using a stack organized computer with zero address operation instructions.