Algorithm for a program to allow multiple sets of scores to be averaged. Valid entries must be numeric and in the range of 0 to 100. Calculate the average of the scores entered. Allow any number of scores to be entered per data set but assume that there will be at least one score entered. Use a sentinel-controlled loop variable to terminate the loop. After values are entered and average is calculated, test the average to determine whether an A, B, C, D or F should be recorded. The scoring rubric is as follows: A: 90 to 100; B80 to 89; C 70 to 79; D 60 to 69 and F <60.
Declare variable double average
Declare variable double sum = 0
Declare variable double score = 1
Declare variable totalScores = 0
while score >= 0 and score <= 100
Read score
if score >= 0 and score <= 100 then
sum =sum+ score
end if
end while
average = sum / totalScores
Display average
if average >= 90 and average <= 100 then
Display "Grade: A"
else if average >= 80 and average <= 89 then
Display "Grade: B"
else if average >= 70 and average <= 79 then
Display "Grade: C"
else if average >= 60 and average <= 69 then
Display "Grade: D"
Display "Grade: F")
End if
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