Problem 4: Fibonacci Series always starts with 0 and 1, or in other words the first two terms of this series are 0 and 1. Next term in this series is found by adding two previous numbers. Following figure shows first 6 terms of the Fibonacci Series i.e. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, if we were to print only even numbers then the output will be 0, 2. Design the algorithm (pseudocode) for a program that prints even terms in Fibonacci series less than N. Where N is the number entered by the user. For example, If N is 75 then print 0, 2, 8, 34 (i.e. all even terms in Fibonacci series that are less than 20) If N is 20 then print 0, 2, 8 (i.e. all even terms in Fibonacci series that are less than 20) If N is 6 then print 0, 2 (i.e. all even terms in Fibonacci series that are less than 6)
1 Set F1 to 0 and F2 to 1
2 Print F1
3 While F2 is less than N repeat
4 Set F as F1+F2
5 Set F1 equal to F2
6 Set F2 equal to F
7 If F2 is even
8 Print F2
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