Suppose that one of the largest commercial bank branch in UAE has recently experienced a significant distress due to covid 19. A huge No. of account holders withdraws the payment from the bank. Now manager want to check the total number of accounts those have less than 1000$.
You are required perform the following task:
Write only Pseudocode to check the total number of accounts, who have less than 1000$ using array list
Declare array accountsBalance
Declare variable totalAccounts
Declare variable totalAccountsLess1000
Get the total number of accounts
for i=0 to totalAccounts step 1
Get the balance of account
Set accountsBalance(i)=balance of account
end for
for i=0 to totalAccounts step 1
if accountsBalance(i)<1000 then
nd if
end for
Display the total number of accounts, who have less than 1000$
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