Consider the following preemptive variant of the Load Balancing problem: There are m identical machines, and n jobs with processing times t1, t2,...., tn respectively. Each machine can process at most one job at a time. Each job can run on more than one machines but must run on at most one machine at any time. Let T = max { max (1<=j<=n) tj , 1/ m "summation" (1<=j<=n) tj }
Consider the following preemptive variant of the Load Balancing problem: There are m identical machines, and n jobs with processing times "t_1,t_2,...,t_n" respectively. Each machine can process at most one job at a time. Each job can run on more than one machines but must run on at most one machine at any time. Let"T = \\max \\left\\{\n \\max\\limits_{(1<=j<=n)} t_j , \\frac{1}{ m} \\sum\\limits_{(1<=j<=n)} t_j \\right\\}"
"\\forall i" Plot in line section length "t_i" ,that end i section=start i+1 section
in the result we give section with length= "\\sum\\limits_{(1<=j<=n)} t_j".
this section divided by section length T.
Because T*m "\\geq\\sum\\limits_{(1<=j<=n)} t_j" we give m or less section.
transform this graphic for machines
"p_i -process(job)\\ with\\ index\\ i"
"m_i-machine\\ with\\ index\\ i"
Because "\\forall j T\\geq t_j ,p_j" -run on 1 or 2 machines . If "p_j" run on 1 machines , we didn't problem ,"p_j" - finished and run on at most one machine at any time.if "p_j" run on 2 mashines "p_j" run on at most one machine at any time, because if exsist time ,that "p_j" run on most than one machine in this time ,therefore "t_j>T" ,but "t_j\\leq T"
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