Hi I have been asked to answer the below and i just cant get my head around it as ive only just started javascript/arrays
If anyone could help me id be greatly thankful
I need to product the table output as per below
web page header: election results
header or table: Fantanswill Historical society by-election results
Mr R Green...33
Ms O brown...51
Ms Y Black....43
Mr G White...22
Ms B Grey....61
Ms I Blue.....51
Mr V Pink....47
Ms B Grey .... Is hereby declared elected
The below is he script i need to amend to make the above table of output.
Can anyone please help me as im now puling my hair out and cant get it to work
thanks in advance xx
Election Results
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tma03.css">
<script language="JavaScript">
& /*
& *& M150 TMA03 2011B Q3.
& *& Program to report the results of an election.
& */
// candidates
var candidateArray =
['Mr R Green...', 'Ms O Brown...', 'Ms Y Black...', 'Mr G White...', 'Ms B Grey....','Ms I Blue....', 'Mr V Pink....'];
// online votes
var onlineVotesArray = [21,47,23,11,56,47,30];
// paper votes
var paperVotesArray = [12,4,20,11,5,4,17];
// TODO part (v) comment out the SAMPLE DATA above and uncomment the second set below by removing the /* and */
var candidateArray =
['Ms A& Brown .......', 'Mr C Smith .......', 'Ms F Patel .......', 'Ms B Jones .......', 'Mr E Williams...', 'Mr D Johnson ....', 'Ms G Taylor'];
// online votes
var onlineVotesArray = [41,37,43,11,59,21,36];
// paper votes
var paperVotesArray = [22,3,15,11,7,1,18];
// TODO part (i)
// total votes --& to be initialised below
var totalVotesArray;
// Add code to
//& & & -- initialise totalVotesArray with a new empty array of the same size as candidateArray
//& & & --& use a loop to add the online and paper votes for each candidate and store the result at
//& & & & & & & the corresponding position in the total votes array.
// TODO part (ii)
// Add code to display two lines of heading, then a blank line,
// then a list of candidates with the total votes cast for each.
// Variable to store the index at which the maximum total vote occurs.
var maximumTotalVoteIndex;
// TODO part (iii)(b)
// Add code to determine the index at which the maximum total vote occurs.
//TODO part (iv)
//Add code to report which candidate has been elected.
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