Write a program that simulates calculation of building cost. This program will ask the user for a number of inputs that you will have to determine based on the problem statement. Your program will then calculate the cost of a building based on these inputs.
Problem Statement.
A company would like you to design a program that will generate a building cost that is based on the square feet of the building times the number of floors. The square foot building cost is $100.00/sqft.
Also computed into the cost is the number of windows requested and the number of doors. When a user enters the number of windows or doors you must also determine the type of window or door.
• Flat- 100/door
• 3 panel- 150/door
• 5 panel – 200/door
• Aluminum -200/window
• Wood – 250/window
• Vinyl – 350/window
You will define a menu method that will allow the user to choose what cost they want to add, and if they want to continue. The application will continue to run until the user enters “qui
Expert's answer
Dear Kirk Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Submit it with all requirements as an assignment here and we'll assist you.
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