// TASK C1.1: Explain the purpose of the '&' in a parameter.
// TASK C1.2: Explain what the program would do if the '&' was omitted in
// the initialiseStack() function header,
Expert's answer
Problem. // TASK C1.1:Explain the purpose of the '&' in a parameter. // TASK C1.2: Explain what the program would do if the '&' was omitted in // the initialiseStack() function header, Remark. I suppose that it is C++ question, as in Action Script ‘&’ meansconcecatnation of the parameters in URL. Solution. An ampersand sign (&), known as referenceoperator, returns the address ofthe variable. Hence when the argument of the function is &variable, then we pass theaddress of the variable. Thereforeif we modify the variable in the body of the function, then variable will be modified, as a global variable. If sign is omitted, then variable will be modified, as a local variable.
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