Implement linkedlist for integers; following methods should be implemented.
void insertAtPosition(int x,int pos); //insert value x at given position
void insertAtEnd(int x); //insert value at the end of the list
void insertAtFront(int x); //insert value at the first position of the list
void removeFromFront(); //remove element from first position
void removeFromEnd(); //remove element from the end of the list
void removeFromPosition(int pos); //remove element from the position given by user. After the //operation there should be no gap in the elements of list
node* find(int x) const; //return the address
int findPosition(int pos) const; //find at given position and return the value
bool IsEmpty() const; //return true if list is empty
void print() const; //print the whole list
Note: Implement the main() to show that all above given methods are working properly
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