1. Complete and hand in all the materials below
a. Input, Process and Output
b. Flow chart
c. Source code
d. Sample output
Question 1
Jamal is writing a program that figures interest on money that is held in a bank. The amount
of interest that money earns in this bank depends on which type of account the money is in.
There are 6 different types of accounts and the interest rate as follows:
Account Type Interest Rate
1. personal financial 2.3%
2. personal homeowner 2.6%
3. personal gold 2.9%
4. small business 3.3%
5. big business 3.5%
6. gold business 3.8%
The program is about to read the customer’s name, account type and the balance of money
the customer has in the bank. You need to calculate the interest earned by the customer.
The program then will display the customer’s name, the interest earned and the total balance
in the account. Fix the output for total balance (RM) into two decimal places.
Interest Earned = Balance * (Interest Rate / 1200)
Total Balance = Balance + Interest
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