Exercise 2 – Software Planning using UML
This exercise is about UML Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams. Consider the following Scenario. This relates to the activities of a Cable TV Provider:
In the offices of a ‘Cables R Us’, a cable TV provider, there is one helpdesk operator, who answers calls from customers, and three engineers, who maintain the cable network system. The company has many customers, who phone the helpdesk with enquiries.
Existing customers will phone the helpdesk to request repair to their system if it is faulty, or to ask about upgrades (for instance to add more viewable channels. New customers often phone in requesting installation. The helpdesk operator always offers an upgrade, even to new customers, in case they would like to increase the channel selection they have already agreed upon. As a result of the call from a customer, the helpdesk may book one of the engineers. In this case, the helpdesk operator must consult the engineers schedule database and book an appointment. Insta
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