For the given functions f(x), let x0 = 0, x1 = 0.6, and x2 = 0.9. Construct
interpolation polynomials of degree at most one and at most two to approximate
f(0.45), and find the absolute error.
1. f(x) = cos x
2. f(x) = sqaureroot(1 + x)
3. f(x) = ln(x + 1)
You should write an .m file which computes the Lagrange multipliers, and use it
in your main .m file which approximates the function values.
To Be Handed In: You should hand in all of your (original) code, the approximated
value, and the error. It would be nice if the results were presented
coherently. By that I mean do not just directly copy and paste the command
window, but create a proper presentation of results.
Expert's answer
Unfortunately, your question requires more work than to be done for free. You can submit it as an assignment to our control panel set the deadline and our programmers will assist you.
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