- Constitution of India is the largest in the world. The original Constitution Of India was consisting of 395 Articles and 8 Schedules now consists of 450 and 12 Schedules.
-Constitution borrowed a number of provisions of constitutional acts from the constitutions of GB, USSR, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia
- The Indian Constitution neither rigid nor flexible. It is mixture of both. Some provision of Indian Constitution can be amended by the Parliament by a Simple majority, Other require Two-Third majority of the members of the Parliament as well as a majority in state legislatures.
-There is sovereignty of the Indian Republic in the Constitution.
- There are proclamation of a wide range of rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, which is the basis of the liberal political regime in the country. For example, now Constitution contain a list of 11 fundamental duties of citizens.
- There is a strengthening the principle of a mixed economy with a large role of the public sector
- There is a combination of traditional Indian institutions with institutions that emerged as a result of the global development of constitutional law
- There is a consolidation of benefits and additional social protection for representatives of backward groups of the population
- There is a strengthening the constitutional rights of national minorities
- There is a restricting the rights of citizens of hostile states (Pakistan etc.) to facilitate arrest, surveillance, etc. on the territory of India, as well as citizens who voluntarily live in hostile countries and maintain business contacts with them.
- There is a proclamation of a number of constitutional goals: raising the living standards of the population, carrying out economic and agrarian reforms, overcoming the remnants of the past, the democratic solution of the national question, raising the literacy level of the population, and fighting for peace throughout the world.
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